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Dance & Bmore Ensemble Auditions

Dance & Bmore seeks outstanding Performers for our 2022 fall season October - December 2022.

Dance & Bmore under the direction of award winning choreographer CJay Philip is a multidisciplinary ensemble of dancers and musicians creating socially conscious original works that engage, empower, delight, and inspire.

Dancers, Singers, and Musicians - Creative collaborators highly encouraged!

Audition Date: Sun, October 9th

Check In: 5:15PM

Audition: 5:30PM *Duration 1.5 hrs

Location: City Arts 2, 1700 Greenmount Ave, Baltimore, MD 21202


Prepare: Come learn DAB performance repertoire

Attire: clothes you can move in

Bring: Musicians: Instruments i.e. Djembe, strings

All: Any special skills welcome, we love multidisciplinary artists!

Part Time Paid Positions available

Salary Range
Employer Name:
Dance and Bmore
Job Title:
Ensemble Member/Teaching Artist
Employer Website:
Employer Contact Information:
[email protected]
Job Submission Requirements:
RSVP with a brief description of experience to Operations Manager Lauren Erazo at [email protected]
Benefit Package
There are no benefits for this position

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