Job Announcement: Lead Teachers (Arts Education or Arts Integration) and Instructional Coaches
Experienced lead teachers and instructional coaches are needed to provide high-quality professional development for MCCC participants. Please read the job descriptions carefully to determine which studio you are most qualified to lead. (Please do not apply for more than one position unless you meet all of the criteria described below.) Employment is dependent upon MCCC enrollment.
The new Maryland Centers for Creative Classrooms (MCCC, formerly MATI) is an ongoing professional development opportunity for educators across the state who are committed to implementing best practices in arts education, arts integration, and/or arts education leadership. MCCC is aligned with the philosophy of the Maryland State Department of Education Fine Arts Office which seeks to provide all students with meaningful engagement in arts education. MCCC participants will attend 34 hours of professional development during the summer (4 days) at one of four regional sites. An additional 11 hours of professional development will be provided during the school year (2 days). The goals for MCCC align with the needs of 21st century learners as established by researchers and practitioners in the fields of arts education and teacher education.
Job Descriptions:
Reporting to the MSDE Coordinator of Fine Arts and MATI Curriculum Director, the arts education lead teachers are professional artists, teaching artists, and/or arts educators with significant experience in the disciplines of dance, music (choral or instrumental), theatre, visual arts, or media arts who are committed to elevating the artistry and instructional practices of school-based arts educators. Specific responsibilities include: teaching advanced disciplinary technique, managing independent studio time, designing professional development curriculum for arts teachers (K-12), facilitating dialogue and reflection, coaching the development of community and global arts projects, performing administrative responsibilities (such as submitting plans, schedules, and evaluations), and attending staff meetings.
Applicants must exhibit expertise in one of the disciplines: dance, music (choral or instrumental), theatre, visual arts, and media arts; demonstrate a strong capacity to facilitate artistic growth; and express a deep commitment to the Maryland Centers for Creative Classrooms philosophy and goals. Applicants should have prior experience in the following: leading professional development workshops in the arts, supporting artistic processes, developing community-based arts projects, using multicultural resources, and working collaboratively. Must be available for 4 planning days prior to the summer and 4 days per site over the summer. Reliable transportation is required.
$60.00 per hour: (16 hours of training/planning and 32 hours of instructional time) Accommodations, lunch, dinner per diem at each site.
To apply, please submit the following to Emily Cory at [email protected]:
1-Page cover letter that includes: Name, Mobile Number, Email Address, Street Address, Title of Position, Relevant Experience, and Statement of Interest
Selected candidates will be asked to submit a headshot (a high-quality selfie is fine!) and a 100-word biography paragraph immediately upon hiring to be used in the MCCC marketing brochure. Please prepare your headshot and biography paragraph.