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FREE Baltimore Feldenkrais Festival

In honor of the 111st birthday of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and International Feldenkrais Week

Come try a FREE Awareness Through Movement® lesson.

Curious? Want to increase mental awareness and creativity? Overcome limitations brought on by stress, misuse, accident or illness? Here's an opportunity to try a Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lesson with no strings attached! The Feldenkrais Method® is for anyone who wants to reconnect with their natural abilities to move, think and feel. All you need to bring is curiosity! The focus is on the relationship between movement and thought, resulting in increased mental awareness and creativity. You will be guided through a sequence of gentle movements intended to help you develop a greater awareness of how you move. As you learn to let go of habitual ways of moving, you will find satisfaction in your new-found abilities.

Sunday, May 3

Three classes: 12:15; 1:30; 2:45 Come to one or come to all!

Location: Susquehanna Yoga & Meditation Center, 12 W Aylesbury Rd Suite A, Timonium, Maryland 21093

For further informaion, email or visit us on Facebook: Baltimore Feldenkrais® Festival

Weekly Awareness Through Movement classes on Thursdays at 10:30 AM. For more information, go to or email

Karen Shavin is an Authorized Student Awareness Through Movement® Teacher through the Feldenkrais Guild of North America.

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