Please join us tomorrow night, as over 100 Baltimore Area artists bring some of the regions newest art to the oldest museum building in America!
Opening WEDNESDAY, November 14th, 6pm – 9pm
FREE and open to the public!
On display through December 16, 2018
at the Peale
Each year, nearly 1000 artists create a Baker Artist Portfolio, making the Baker Portfolios website the largest collection of Baltimore-area artists. As part of its year long celebration of 10 years of Excellence, the Baker Artist Portfolios is bringing their gallery to the Peale.
Like the website, this exhibition was open for participation from any artist in the region to self-select and bring one piece of art to share.
The Baker Artist Portfolios were created by the William G. Baker, Jr. Memorial Fund, and are a program of the Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance.
Learn more about the Baker Artist Portfolios, browse art, or start your own portfolio at
Participating Artists:
David Bacharach, Barbara Balcerzak, Christopher Batten, Jennifer Becker, Alison Belt, Elizabeth Burin, Elizabeth Cadwalader, Vincent Carney, Schroeder Cherry, Suzanne Coley, Lee Connah, Daniel Conrad, Blacke Conroy, Joan Cox, Brent Crothers, Frank Crowley, Martha Edgerton, Barbara Epstein Gruber, Andrea Evans, Maria-Theresa , Fernandes, Jen Fig, Anna Fine Foer, Jerry Allen Gilmore, Christina Goncalves, Vin Grabill, Cirron Greenidge, James Hillmann, Sydney Hopkins, Bill Hughes, Daniel Humphries-Russ, Andrea Huppert, Chloe Irla, Kei Ito, Tiffany Jones, Sunhee Jung, Ken Katzen, Morgan Kayla, Jeanne Keck, Andrew Keiper, Ashlet Kidner, Karen Klinedinst, Robert Knudsen, Ernest Kromah, Deborah Kommalan, Suzy Kopf, J. Kelly Lane, Nate Larson, Magnolia Laurie, Leonard Wilson, Duane Lutsko, Kate MacKinnon, Dereck Mangus, David Marion, Jenee Mathias, Janet Mathias, Lena McBean, Jennifer McBrien, Matt McCormack, Susan McCurdy Yonkers, Bruce McKaig, Jessica McKelvin, Greg McLemore, Gigi McKendric, Ashley Minner, Heidi Neff, Charles Norton, Lee Nowell-Wilson, Janet Olney, Mary Opasik, Jim Opasik, Starr Page, Bridget Parlato, Gina Pierleoni, Scott Ponemone, Jeanne Porter, Katie Pumphrey, Jean Razulis, Edwin Remsberg, Matthew Saindon, Edward-Victor Sanchez, Mark Sanders, Sarabel Santos-Negron, Wil Scott, Julie Simon, James Singewald, Mary Skeen, Linda Smith, Valerie A. Smith, Linda Smith, Stephanie Smith, Daria Souvorova, Peter Stern, Tracy Stevens, Maxine Taylor, Andrei Trach, Seanna Tsung, Mary Jo Tydlacka, Alice Valenti, Renee van der Stelt, Jamie Wallace, Susan Waters-Eller, Lars Westby, Don Willett, Beth-Ann Wilson, Leonard Wilson, Susan McCurdy Yonkers, Al Zaruba
Need instructions or help with your portfolio? Join us for an upcoming BAKER INFO SESSION! New dates listed below!

Interested in creating a portfolio? Have questions about eligibility? Need help with your portfolio? Want to hear tips and pointers? Curious what past awardees have to say?
Join us for a Baker Info Session!
Each Baker Info Session session will feature an hour-long presentation from GBCA Staff with detailed program overviews and instructions on using the site. Whenever possible a past awardee will also be present to offer insight and tips on presenting yourself as an artist and creating a strong portfolio.
Upcoming Info Sessions:
Tuesday, November 20,6pm - 8 pm with Todd Marcus @ Jubilee Arts (1947 Pennsylvania Ave, Baltimore)
Monday, November 26, 6pm - 8pm with Dora Malech @ Motor House (120 W. North Ave, Baltimore)
Tuesday, November 27, 6pm - 8pm - At Creative Alliance (3134 Eastern Ave, Baltimore)
Monday, December 3, 7pm - 9pm with Jen Grow @ Ivy Bookshop (6080 Falls Rd, Baltimore)
Tuesday, December 4, 6pm - 8pm with Lafayette Gilchrist @ WTMD Studios (1 Olympic Place, Suite 100, Towson, MD)
Working Sessions
Beginning in November 2018, we will begin offering working sessions, where artists working on portfolios can schedule a 30-minute session with GBCA staff to get hands-on technical assistance with their portfolio.
Stay tuned!
DEADLINE REMINDER: All artists with an active portfolio on Monday, December 17th at 5:00 pm will be considered for an award.