Join us for the Baltimore-DC Arts Mixer networking event on April 13th

Take the MCA Survey today...
Maryland Citizens for the Arts (MCA) is conducting a survey to assess individual artist support in Maryland. MCA is a non-profit arts organization and often work with institutions alike; however, our advocacy efforts rally support for individual artists as well. The organization is considering program development and exploring the need for individual artist capacity building. In order to evaluate how the organization may aid in the strengthening and development of artist resources in Maryland there is a need to hear from the individual artist community. Feedback is crucial and will be contributed to research and analysis. To show appreciation, MCA survey participants earn the chance to win a $100 amazon gift card. This survey will also be paired with other research; including: one-on-one interviews and a series of focus groups throughout the state.
This project is led by Urban Arts Leadership Cohort’18 member, Kamera Breland. Click the link below if you are interested in participating.
By Kibibi Ajanku