About Last Weekend…
by: Kibibi Ajanku
Last weekend was very busy for the GBCA’s Urban Arts Leadership (UAL).

Friday, September 28th was the “Kick It Kick Off Party” This event happens annually and is designed to introduce the current cohort of Urban Arts Leadership Fellows to the Baltimore arts sector during their first month of activity. This year it was held at Exit the Apple Community Art Space, and we had an amazing time. UAL alumni and advisory council, GBCA staff and board, as well as a host of friends and family filled the space with joy and spirit. Thank you to everyone who came out to welcome and support the newest emerging leaders for the city’s creative corridor!

On Saturday, September 29th Kibibi Ajanku of Urban Arts Leadership (UAL) and Quanice Floyd of the Arts Administrators of Color (AAC) partnered to present the AAC Annual Convening at the Motor House in Baltimore. The event was well attended and well received. Participants came from as far as New York and Atlanta for this important professional development opportunity. Speakers and presenters included Kibibi Ajanku, Quanice Floyd, Feby Varghese (National Assembly of State Arts Agencies), Denise Saunders Thompson (International Association of Blacks in Dance), Makeba Clay (The Phillips Collection), Nicloe Ivy (George Washington University), and S. Rasheem (BeMore LLC). Thank you to everyone who worked tirelessly to make this event a great success!