Directed by Lauren Saunders
Single Carrot Theater
The Urban Arts Leadership Program (UALP) Fellows were invited to witness the first rehearsal for a play directed by UALP Program Assistant, Lauren Saunders. The opportunity to sit-in on first read has been typically reserved for Single Carrot Board Members and Subscribers because it historically is a special, behind-the-scenes look into the process, and typically a magical, yet candid, excitement is in the room for this first rehearsal.
The evening included presentations from the Ms. Saunders, the director, and the key designers working on the play. Additionally, the cast read the script out loud for the first time as a group. The UALP Fellows were given the opportunity for that special sneak peek, to observe the leadership style, and witness the deep collaboration required to produce a serious theatrical production. Additionally, the themes of this play related the Fellowship focus and discussions around equity and inclusion. The play concept broadens the discourse, and puts it into a current-day, global context.
The play is about a white, American couple who want to have a baby. When they learn they cannot conceive, they decide to seek a surrogate, but as they cannot afford a surrogate in the United States, they seek a surrogate in India. This piece employs comedy and magical realism for a sharp take on modern day colonialism (which very much exists) . It challenges audiences to consider their role and participation in our culture of othering, idolization of whiteness, and questions the commodification and occupation of human bodies.
Samsara, directed by Lauren Saunders is an Urban Arts Leadership Program top pick. The play will run from January 18-February 12, 2017. Contact Single Carrot Theater for more information:

Kibibi Ajanku, UALP Program Manager & UALP Fellows with Samsara Cast & Samsara Director, Lauren Saunders at Single Carrot Theater in Baltimore, MD