Executive Director's Letter
March 31, 2015
This past weekend Liz Lerman conducted the culminating session of her 2014-15 Critical Response Process (CRP) training in Baltimore. In use for over twenty years, the process has deepened dialogue between makers and audiences, and enhanced learning between teachers and students. It has proven valuable for all kinds of creative endeavors, work situations, and collaborative relationships within and beyond the arts, from kindergartens to architectural processes to community meetings.
GBCA is committed to helping artists and cultural organizations increase their sustainability skills through professional development. Key to sustainability is the quality of work being produced. The excellence of the product is directly connected to the availability of feedback that will challenge artists and other participants, and encourage them to grow artistically and professionally.
The most recent CRP series was made possible with support from the William G. Baker, Jr. Memorial Fund and the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation, and was modeled on Liz’s work with Puppet Animation Scotland in Edinburgh. The first introductory session in the series was held last fall with more than 80 participants from around the area. This was followed by smaller sessions for individuals interested in furthering their understanding of the process, with one session co-hosted by the incredible John Borstel. Ultimately, GBCA will engage several of these newly trained facilitators to practice and share CRP throughout the region.
GBCA is very grateful for our partnership with Liz and is looking forward to continuing our work together. We would also like to thank our gracious hosts for the CRP sessions: Center Stage, Area 405 and Maryland Art Place!