ASG Webinar: Aneta Georgievska-Shine, George Bellows and the Pearls of the Gutter

Art Seminar Group online lecture:
George Bellows and the Pearls of the Gutter with Aneta Georgievska-Shine, professor of art history, University of Maryland
As one of the most prominent members of the Ashcan School, George Bellows (1882-1925) created works that challenged all established criteria concerning proper subject matter and style. His inspiration came from the rapidly changing urban landscape of New York, with its working-class neighborhoods, its construction sites, and its hidden bars and alleyways. Painted in a self-consciously rough and expressive manner, these scenes of daily life in the metropolis raised important questions about the boundaries between high and low art, proposing new aesthetic criteria for appreciation of an artist’s mastery of his medium.
$15 fee for guests and subscribers (no fee for members)