Exhibition - These Men Are Potential Rapists: Remember the Women's Coalition for Change

Working under the name the Women’s Coalition for Change, in April 1993, nine women enrolled in an art history course at the University of Maryland, College Park undertook an art action that jolted the campus and attracted passionate dialogue and national news coverage in outlets including The Washington Post, The Baltimore Sun, The Washington Times, USA Today, and Playboy. The art action, which involved elements of performance, installation, and postering, came to be known in the media as the “rapist list” because a component of the action involved the publication of every identifiably male name in the campus student directory on flyers underneath the headline “Notice: These Men Are Potential Rapists.”
Archival material related to the art action will be on display in the Moses Williams Center starting April 1.
The exhibition and related panel discussion/presentation (which is scheduled for April 30, 1 - 3 p.m.) are made possible through support from the Maryland State Arts Council and the Baltimore City Mayor’s Office/Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts.